Dear contributor, the submission guidelines are laid out below. There is always wiggle room regarding contributions and we encourage you to take advantage of it. We are available to assist with any questions through our email address.
Editorial Guideline for Contributors
Submission format:
- 750 to 1900 word count for all submissions. This is to provide maximum flexibility to any would-be contributor. Please consider whether this is your first time contributing to a publication and your prior experience when considering how long your written piece will be. We want to encourage new and fledgling anarchist writers, artists, and theoreticians to pursue their ideas and the age-old practice of getting them down on a piece of paper. So please, do not be deterred if you are a novice, but we suggest a smaller word count. We are a tiny voluntary team with some very good editors. If you have more practise sending submissions to journals, papers and other written projects and you possess a genuine libertarian disposition... we want to see what you want to show us!
- All formatting for text documents to be done in word. JPEG/PDF/PNG for image files, if there are any issues with formatting and the website we'll work it out. At present we'd like to see more creative works, so if you like to get down and dirty with a box of paint and your work has a genuine libertarian sentiment, send it in. We'd be happy to publish it.
- Please only send 3 submissions at a time. This is to ensure everybody has an equal opportunity to be heard. This is not a hard limit.
- All submissions are sent to . This is an important step as we may not see your submissions if they are sent in through other means.
What happens next?
- You will be contacted if we are interested in publishing your piece, this will be through the email you provide by sending it to us.
- If there is a need for some editorial assistance or interaction with your piece, you will be informed of and why certain changes are recommended.
- Once this is finished, your piece will be published alongside already finished contributions and posted to the website.
What We'd Like to See:
Free Spirit: Anarchist Journal is a post-left anarchist publication. We want to see everything from your collection of 'anarchic short stories' to 'anarchism, state repression & the 20th century'. In short, we would like to see anything and everything created by and for heartfelt libertarians. From your anarchist art to your theorising and ideas, Free Spirit is an open platform seeking open-minded contributors.
The 'first edition' of Free Spirit was thrown together, intended as a platform to discuss ideas between every shade of anarchist opinion. This was a partial success and a partial failure. Anarchists with heterodox positions and views tended to feel more enthusiastic about the prospect of a self-publishing project and social anarchists, less so.
Moving forward, and, with the intention of building a coherent and pleasant read, we dedicate our time to seeking out and publishing content drawn from the many competent thinkers, doers and artists in our midst. Keener to keep things open-ended and to interpretation, the guideline for submissions is consciously slim. Our editorial guidelines are set out in hopes of providing less editorial oversight and more creative freedom. There is no need to ''be an anarchist'' in the strict political sense, to contribute to the publication, all we ask is that your submission be related to anarchism or anarchy.
All we Ask:
- No promotion of violence.
- Don't be rude to the team.
- All submissions will be related to post-left anarchist theory/ history/ art, and/or its 'core ideas' understood in (para 5);
The opportunity to send in articles relating to (strict) social anarchist theory & history is closed. Future theoretical submissions will be drawn from post-left anarchists and perspectives that get less of a hearing. Speaking in general terms, we're more interested in intuitive thinking and the ways anarchism influences your daily life & vice versa, than millenarian declarations of any kind.
Please refer to paragraph 5, and the article more broadly, of A Brief Introduction: Post-Left Anarchy for a concise definition of terms. These are guidelines and should not be read as rules.